
Exclusive Interview of Irfan Ahson @ timesofyouth.com

Believe in the power of your dreams. Prove the world wrong! -Irfan Ahson

Times of Youth: For those who don’t know about you and your work, can you tell us a little about yourself?

I am Irfan Ahson, a photographer caught inside the body of Civil Engineer. I am married and have two kids who are the light of my life. I am from Lahore, Pakistan and have an MS in Civil Engineering degree from The University of Texas, Austin. I worked in The United States of America for 8 years before moving back to Pakistan and pursuing photography full time

Times of Youth: Who are some of your favorite classic photographers, and how did they influence you?

Bambi Cantrell, Robert Cappa and Henri Cartier Bresson to name a few. These are the legends of photography in their fields and they taught me how to compose, how to frame, when to click and above all how to freeze that fleeting moment for the posterity.

Read the full interview here

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